TTA is holding an invitational Group Tennis Tournament on June 2, 2013 (Sunday).
The following tennis teams have been invited to send out a team composed of 10-12 players,
including captain and coach to participate this invitational group tennis tournament for
the purpose of exchanges of tennis skills and promoting of friendship between all the teams
and players.
1. Mu-Cha Tennis Team
2. Ta-Chih Tennis Team
3. She-Tse Tennis Team
4. Ta-Hsin-Dien Tennis Team
The tournament will
TTA will provide lunch and drinking water for all the players.
Each team will be formed by three men's double teams of 50+, 60+ and 70+ of age levels
and two women's double teams of 50+ and 60+ of age levels.
If necessary, men players can deduct 15yrs to be in women's double teams and women players
can add 10yrs to be in men's double teams.
The way of competition will be decided by the competition committee based on the weather and
number of participants.
Whichever team wins three points of five (3 men double and 2 women double) wins even though
all the points will be played to honor the spirit of sports.
The winners of first, second and third places will be awarded with presents for appreciation
of their efforts and performances.
We sincerely hope this event will be a joyful and successful one.