2012年10月30日 星期二

"Top Travel Cup" Tennis Tournament Players Lists

"Top Travel Cup" Tennis Tournament is finally ready to go.

The players are divided into four level of competition according to their skill level, age, and gender.
We are expecting a very exciting and hard-competitive tournament on November 4, 2012.

游 向 閎
倪 炳 煌
李 淑 娥
黃 仁 春
邱 春 福
鄭 瑞 惠
林 春 美
張 正 雄
尹 大 明
潘 育 群
紀 巧 雲
劉 雲 珠
謝 崇 龍
遲 玉 杰
賀 聖 軫
林 育 田
蔡 錦 龍
鄒 美 仁
廖 義 本
謝 嚴 濱
劉 永 隆
古 嘉 鈞
許 志 平
謝 文 勇
陳 孟 偉
張 義 信
廖 宜 侃
翁 明 俊
王 彥 程
陳 明 芳
黃 國 新
沈 大 為
謝 麗 娟
謝 罔 圓
陳 頌 華
陳 晉 茂
王 友 倫
何 金 女
陳 柏 村
游 添 宜
蔡 永 賢
周 純 一
劉 玉 蘭
陳 慶 尚
林 山 水
曾 惠 厚
李 國 忠
王 明 鴻
張 榮 生
張 鴻 傑
林 清 崑
朱 銘 昱
鍾 木 生
潘 婷 玫
尹 十 茂
賴 波 章
傅 國 亮
吳 明 山
林 清 河
李 永 明
廖 仁 村
曾 仲 達
游 鐵 男
吳 貞 彬

林 金 順
陳 祈 森
陳 宜 胤

許 榮 權
賴 建 夫

2012年8月21日 星期二

2012 "Top Travel Cup" Tennis Tournament 11/4/2012

Taiwan Tennis Association (TTA) is honored to hold the "2012 Top Travel Cup" tennis  tournament  on November 4, 2012 (Sunday).

The "Top Travel Cup" Tennis tournament is sponsored by "Top Travel Agency" and the company's president Mr. Ming-San Wu.

A participant can sign up a double team with partner of his/her choice or the competition committee will make up the double teams for those who have signed up individually.

The competition committee reserves the right to decide the classification of each team according to their tennis skills, genders and ages.

The prize for all the winning teams in the different categories will be in cash with total prize money of
NT$50,000.  The number of winners and the amount of the cash prize will depend on the number of
players in each category.

The entry fee is $100 for TTA members and $500 for non-members.
(TTA will provide lunch boxes and mineral water for all the players.
 Besides, each participant will receive a big TTA towel as a gift.)
Contact persons: Teacher Lee 0932-322-693  Or Michelle 0989-867-806
The deadline for signing up is October 28, 2012 (Sunday).

The draws for competition of each category will be published at the TTA website
and the tennis club as well.  www.taiwantennisassn.blogspot.com

We look forward to your participation in this great event!

2012年4月22日 星期日

The Result of 4/21/2012 TTA"Orient Watch Cup" Tennis Tournament

Thanks to God for the beautiful weather on Saturday after a week of cloudy, rainy days.
The rain just stopped for the day during the whole time of the event.
Everyone was so thankful to the weather for making this tournament proceed smoothly
without any interruptions or delay.

The players are categorized into 3 groups of A, B, and C according to their skills, age and gender. Players of each group are of the same level and they then formed teams with 6-7 players in each one. The teams of the same group compete with each other by playing 3 points. One team in each group will be eliminated and the rest will get prize money according to their places in the competitions.

The participants of this tournament are as follows.

A組:  A1    傅國亮, 鐘木生, 沈大為, 陳晉茂, 李淑娥, 張文, 張鴻傑
         A2    游添宜, 邱春福, 王彥程, 吳真彬, 劉永隆, 張榮生
         A3    張   聲,  謝嚴濱, 劉宗穎, 林豐生, 蘇榮得, 林山水

B組:  B1    曾仲達, 林丁寶, 紀巧雲, 黃國新, 張正雄, 王維光,徐春日
         B2    許榮權, 張彩清, 陳凱筑, 許志平, 賴建夫, 廖建春
         B3    吳明山, 陳祉穎, 林金順, 曾樹林, 張啟華, 陳明芳
         B4    陳    陽, 謝罔圓, 古嘉鈞, 于光華, 邱永財, 李國宗

C組:  C1    陳頌華, 謝崇龍, 潘育群, 林清河, 劉雲珠
         C2    游鐵男, 陳千慧, 潘婷玫, 黃仁春, 陳柏村,郭邦齊

The winners of each group are:

A組冠軍:  A1   傅國亮, 鐘木生, 沈大為, 陳晉茂, 李淑娥, 張文, 張鴻傑  
      亞軍:  A3   張   聲,  謝嚴濱, 劉宗穎, 林豐生, 蘇榮得, 林山水

B組冠軍:   B4   陳    陽, 謝罔圓, 古嘉鈞, 于光華, 邱永財, 李國宗
      亞軍:   B2   許榮權, 張彩清, 陳凱筑, 許志平, 賴建夫, 廖建春
      季軍:   B3   吳明山, 陳祉穎, 林金順, 曾樹林, 張啟華, 陳明芳

C組冠軍:   C1:  陳頌華, 謝崇龍, 潘育群, 林清河, 劉雲珠

The first place winner receive $1000 per player and the second place, $500 and
the third place, $250.

The sponsorship of Mr. and Mrs. 曾仲達 of the "Orient Watch" is deeply  appreciated
and many thanks to Mr. 蔡永賢, the head referee, 謝嚴濱 and 李國宗 of competition
affairs, for their hard work. Without their contributions and efforts, the tournament
wouldn't be conducted and proceeded so smoothly and successfully.

A special welcome was extended to the players from far away.  林山水 came from
Kaoshioung and 張彩清, 陳祉穎 came all the way from Hong Kong. Their passion for tennis
and participation in this event have brought them prize money with big smiles.

TTA will hold another tennis tournament for their members in the fall season when the
weather is cool and nice. We look forward to seeing all of you again in the next tournament.

2012年3月8日 星期四

2012 "Orient Watch Cup" Tennis Tournament 4/21/2012

Taiwan Tennis Association (TTA) is honored to hold the "2012 Orient Watch Cup" tennis  tournament  on April 21, 2012 (Saturday).

The "Orient Watch Cup" Tennis tournament is sponsored by the "Orient Watch" and the company's president Mr. Chong-Ta Tseng.

All the participants who have signed up for the tournament will be classified into 3 levels according to their tennis skills, genders and ages.

The players of same classification will be then assigned to  different teams by lottery with each team to be composed of 6-7 players including team captain.

Each team is to play 3 points and whichever team gets 2 points wins.

The prize for all the winning teams will be in cash.
"Orient Watch Cup" will award the first three teams out of five, first two teams out of 4 and first team out of three depending on the number of total players.

The first place team gets $6000, the second place $3000 and the third place $1500.

The entry fee is $100 for TTA members and $400 for non-members.
(TTA will provide lunch boxes and mineral water for all the players.)
Contact persons: Teacher Lee 0932-322-693  Or Michelle 0989-867-806
The deadline for signing up is April 15 (Sunday).

We encourage all the TTA members and welcome non-members to sign up ASAP.
The deadline for signing up is April 15, 2012 (Sunday).

TTA membership is to be renewed at the beginning of next year (Jan. 1, 2012).                 
TTA welcomes new members and all the members who have paid the membership fee of $1000/yr will be given a new year TTA Tennis Polo shirt as a gift.